and Free time
1. You have to roll a dice and what ever number you land on that is you goal there will be a goal and you have to read it.
2. Once you have read the goal you start and what ever number you land on you move to that space and it will have one of the thing you have to do (but not in real life) so for example you have to move four spaces forward and you land on Vacuum the neighbor's pool each week and you earn +5 money +1 Fun and you lose - 3 free time and if you don't have that you have to miss that turn so you don't get anything.
3. and the aim of the game is to the first person to reach there goal is crowned the winner
and I have learnt from the game that you can have everything at once you have to trade some for some.
Other things I have been learning about financial literacy:
I have also learnt that in PrEP it is hard being a CEO but I can handle.

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