This week we worked on -
This week we wrote another poem the poem is a funny excuse about why you are late to class - Here is a link to the poem
Here is mine -
Late again Friend
Sorry MissWhat’s the excuse this time?Mum had a babyA BABY!Yes missThat's the 5th Baby your mum this term and all on Test day Tuesday I know miss they just keep coming and coming
I really do look forward to Test day TuesdayNever Mind just get your pencil and rubber out. Can’t MissWhat do you mean you can’t ?I don’t have them Why don’t you have them?I left them at the hospitalWhat were you doing at the hospital?I told you My mum had a babyYou're kidding me!No miss by the way I’m not here next Test day Tuesday
Why not?Um...Um...Um... My mum’s Due in seven days!
We also Finished The movie CHARLOTTE'S WEB
We did these activities -
- Surprise Subtitles
- Next word hunt
- Take a Dictionary to the movies

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