Monday, 29 July 2013


My Word Study

  1. Abandon
  2. Ancestor
  3. Cardigan
  4. Chameleon
  5. Endeavor
  6. Identical
  7. Metropolitan
  8. Minimse
  9. Quadruple
  10. Chameleon
Clik on the word to take you to a webistie:

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Under 10's west cost hockey

On Sunday the 28th of July I went to westport to represent west cost.It was okay because we were playing on the half field and I scored my first goal!!! It was awesome.

The people who are in my team are...  










The stuff you have to wear on the turf

*Running shoes

P.S:We won the game it was 12-1

Saturday, 27 July 2013


Day 1: Driving

It was Monday morning and we were packing but the road was closed until 1:00 then we could finally go.We got some lunch at Murchison.When we got there it was 4:30pm. We Just got KFC for dinner.

Day 2:Bowling and scooting  

We went 10 pin bowling.It was a fun experience but I came last.Then we went to the park to feed the ducks and went for a Scooter and a play also I made 2 new friends called Hayley and Grace but then I had to go.My mum's grandma G.G was coming around for some dinner and she made some cake (best cake ever!!!).

Day 3: Picton

That morning we had morning tea with grandma.then we went to a shop called Annie's Fruit leather and we had most of the day in picton!!! we done...

*Mini golf 



*Skate park 

*Chocolate factory
and we brought some quilting.That night we ate some chicken and some of G.G's cake.

Day 4:swing bridge and home

That morning was time to go but first we stopped at G.G's house  but we 1 more stop to do  it was a go on the swing  bridge and a beautiful walk!!!
Then we were finally home again!!!  

Thursday, 11 July 2013

My summary sheet

Maori week At GMS!!!


Grey Main School

What happened:
Done Flax Weaving 

When it happened:
Wednesday the 3rd of July

How it happened:
Miss Nissy Came up with the idea 

Why did it happen:
For Maori Langue week 

Punkiakiki!!! /main stars

Monday, 8 July 2013

End of term ICT Review!!!

I loved learning :

Getting a blog and email

I know can confidently:

  1. Use Google drive I
  2. Insert a link
  3. Copy and paste (Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V)
  4. Insert a picture 
  5. Quality commenting   

I still want to know:

  1. How to to use Google maps(properly) 

My Piggy

Road Safety!!!

What I learnt: That it is important to keep safe around or on the road!!! 

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Westport camp 2013

Mitchell's  Gully
when we got  there , there  was  an  aowsome exspeien  because  a  man  made  dust  stik up.When  we  went   on  the  track    there  was   a  gold mine cart  on  the  side  of   the  track  and  there  was  a  pecie  gold   abouta  centemeta   would   cost  around   700-800
Old mine cart
There was  also  a  old  fashion  work  shop  there  was   a  few  tuneles  they  were  dark.

If you could meet 10 people, alive or dead, who would they be?

  1. Katy Perry - If you could go to one place in the world where would you go?
  2. Pink - out of all your songs what one is your favorite?
  3. Britney Spears - what type of music do you like?
  4. lady gaga - what will your next album be called?
  5. Nikki Manaj - Who is your favorite singer(NOT YOURSELF!)?

My goal for main stars term2

My goal it his term  is to NOT! get...
*any PINK for homework

*and to get all GREEN for homework!

Maori Work

Tokohia nga tangata?
Tokowha nga tangata.